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Emily Fehsenfeld was born and raised in the small town of Secretary, Maryland and began her career in politics at the age of 14, when she first interned in DC. At Washington College, she majored in political science and graduated at the top of her class before later earning her master’s in public policy. While attending graduate school, she worked in communications for the White House, advising the President on communicative matters.


Following her time in the West Wing, she accepted a position as the Chief of Staff for Congressman Andy Harris, the representative of her home district. As a congressional Chief of Staff, Fehsenfeld worked at all levels of the campaign process, learning the key players and paths to victory, which served her well when she successfully launched her own campaign. Upon Congressman Harris’ retirement, Emily Fehsenfeld replaced him in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District and served two terms as their member of Congress.


Congresswoman Fehsenfeld served on many House Committees, including Ways and Means, the Judiciary, and was appointed as Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. The Congresswoman was a party favorite, garnering media attention over the years for her outspoken support of the President, her myriad bills passed with bipartisan support, and her ability to build coalitions in both houses. Following her second term in Congress, Fehsenfeld ran for Governor of Maryland and won in an upset victory, and has completed her first term with the same glowing record of pertinacity and bipartisanship.


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Focus Issue

To remind us of what is at stake in this election, it’s important to revisit the conundrum we faced under the last Democrat President. Unnecessary regulations were strangling our economy and subsequently, the livelihoods of our hard-working Americans. Taxes were overinflated for all members of society and government checks and welfare were handed out far too liberally. The very principles of economic freedom and prosperity that this nation was built upon had never been more at risk. Now, this all appears as a distant memory, thanks to the Trump Administration’s unprecedented gains. President Trump has rolled back job-killing regulations and saved our economy from the paltry rate of less than 4% annual growth under Democrat policies. We have reached record highs in the stock market, average household median income, 401K contributions, and record low unemployment for all demographics. We need to continue that trend.

To be clear, if the Democratic Party takes over the executive branch, our country will fall into an abject spiral of economic regression and socialism. The left now threatens to plunge us irrevocably into that socialist reality, the likes of which have not been witnessed since the aforementioned, unmitigated bungling of economic policy by the Democrats. To preserve our prosperity and enjoy our economic liberties which empower us to achieve our own American Dreams, we must fight against the regressive agenda of the Democrats, which masquerades as redistributive wealth and social egalitarianism. We have to keep taxes low, cutting them across the board as well as regulations, keeping trade free and competitive overseas, incentivizing businesses to return to the U.S., and maintaining low interest rates. To keep our market soaring and to secure futures for our children, we must saliently consider the economy in this election season.

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