My fellow Americans, I would like to humbly thank you all for your unfettered support in our presidential campaign. This truly was our campaign, comprised of the millions of Americans who fought this good fight in the name of faith, family, and freedom. Today I would also like to remind you that while we did not win this November, these enduring principles are the bedrock of our nation and our time will soon come to champion them in the White House.
There will be other battles to fight now. We must protect our Constitution, our families, and our values as One Nation Under God, for as Ronald Reagan once said “If we forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under”. Standing firm in our convictions and love of country is what will engender positive change where needed and bipartisanship when called for during this next administration. Presenting such a unified front to our enemies and allies around the world is how we will keep America strong, for if we are divided within, we will be weak without.
Our greatness has been questioned during this election cycle, but let me reassure all Americans now that America is great because of you. She is great because there is no other country filled with such passionate, magnanimous, God-fearing patriots. As Alexis de Tocqueville once remarked when pondering the heights of American exceptionalism, “America is great because Americans are good”. In these next four years, we will not lose our goodness because it is not contingent on who sits in the Oval Office. It happens at the dinner table. So long as we pass down our patriotism to posterity and we proceed undaunted in that task, America will always be great because we will always be good.
Let us will ourselves then to see those of different backgrounds and politics not as our enemies, but as our neighbors, as our friends, as fellow Americans. Let us cling vehemently to hope, to unity, to freedom as we embark on this new journey in America. Let us now coalesce in this fight for faith, family, and freedom so that our nation will not deviate from her greatness, but only rise to the brighter apogees that still ahead of us lie. Let us always choose goodness and in so doing, we will keep America great.
Thank you, God bless you, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.
-Emily Fehsenfeld
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